Bed Zine Issue Two

Bed Zine Issue Two is a curated selection of art and writing by disabled creatives from around the world. It explores the complex relationships that the contributors have with their beds through poetry, nonfiction writing, ceramic and textile works, illustration, painting, and more.
56 Colour Pages
Created & Edited by Tash King
Graphic Design by Emily Sara
Cover Art by Grant Ionatán
Bed Zine Issue Two features the work of Bára Hladík, Noli, Rebecca Quinton, Kelly Reid, Sarah Kaplan Gould, Clemency Doyle, Dana Kearley, Harriet Porter, Nicole Tsuno, Eva Shipley, Sarah Hallacher, Eliot Olson, Maya Cardinali, Miriam Sokolowska, Carly Riegger, Savannah Tries, TK Cho, Georgia Murphy, Hannah Siden, Caitlin Lapeña, Beyza Durmuş, Amy Claire Mills, Corey Bates, Gabby, and Jean Serutoke.
Thank you for your support.
All profits of Bed Zine go to contributors, and to funding future issues of the zine. There is a sliding scale payment option, so you can chose whether to give more to the zine is you are able.
All orders will ship within 5 business days of purchase.
Follow us on instagram @bed_zine
[image descriptions: image one: The hand of a white person, with a visible tattoo, holding up a copy of Bed Zine Issue Two in front of a green leafy backdrop. Bed Zine issue two is bound with a black coil. The cover is an illustration boy hanging upside down is passed out or in a waking stupor in a dimly lit hospital room, half bathed in a sickly florescent glow, half receded in a pale blue shadow. Around his foot is a thin plastic ribbon is wrapped so tightly it's cutting into the skin, the ribbon is tied to an oddly menacing hello kitty novelty balloon which dangles the boy above his hospital bed. Behind him we see the faint imprint of a hand the size of his entire body reaching through the sterile white wall seemingly to pull him into it's endless white prison. The Bed Zine logo is at the top of the image, in pink text with a green shadow.
image two: the same hand is holding the zine open to the credits and title page. The left page has the credits for the cover artists, editor and graphic designer, as well as a little illustration of a bear sleeping in a bed. The right page says "bed zine issue number two" with three colourful hearts and the logo around it.
image three: the same hand holding the zine open to two pages of the zine. The right page is a colourful illustration of a person upside down on a yellow mattress, surrounded by pastel shapes. The left page is a black and white design made up of microsoft word clipart.]